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In times like these, we're reminded why it is we do what we do as a photography company. At Shoot My Travel we believe in the power of photography and the ability to change our perspective and broaden our experience.

Sadly, many of us had to put our cameras and lenses down and stay home to keep our communities safe. We know we will come back stronger than ever and continue to give you the best photography experience.

In the meantime, we hope we can still be a resource for you at home, and we want to continue to tell stories. Starting this week, we will be sharing on all our social media channels, our photographers, and their stories by giving you a behind the scenes on how they are coping with social distancing and the emptiness in our streets. Here is our first photo documentary of the City of Miami. 

Today we need to connect more than ever. We need to share our love, compassion, our gifts, and story with the world.

We wish you good health and safety during this time of constant change and uncertainty, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support.

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