IG Live Highlights with Photographer Giuliano in Rome

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Twice a month our CEO and co-founder, Valerie, sits down for a virtual chat with one of our amazing photographers around the world on Instagram Live. Through this interview, we get to find out how life is in their city right now, learn about their journey as a photographer, and get their unique insights into the industry.

(Have you been watching? If so, let us know on Instagram. Give a wave or ask a question!)

Recently Valerie sat down with Giuliano in Rome. He’s been a photographer since 2010, focusing on interiors, commercials, editorials, portraits and really anything that fuels his passion for this work. He works for Booking and Tripadvisor and loves to do reportage (or documentary) photography. He shared what it’s like in Rome this summer, ways to build partnerships with brands, and even showed us the first polaroid he ever took!

Here are some highlights from Valerie and Giuliano’s chat.

How are things in Rome?

We’re free to go out. I went to the city center a few days ago and it was completely empty, partly because it’s August, not high season, and partly because there are no tourists. It’s very strange. I talked to a man who was selling water bottles and asked if there are tourists. He said only a few of them. And the restaurants in the city center are completely empty. Thay are open but say it’s totally different from other years.

How did you start in photography?

It’s a long and classic story. I received an old camera from my uncle, a Yashica. I don’t remember which model, but a classic camera. And I started by myself, reading a book. My uncle gave me the camera and a book. It was during my time in Spain, maybe 20 years ago. But if I think about it, I really started when I was 10 years-old because my father gave me a Polaroid and I took family portraits. I still have them!

When did you decide to become a photographer?

I started as an engineer. Totally different. And I worked for two years as an engineer. But photography was always in my mind and I couldn’t avoid it. I was thinking about it all the time. And after finishing my University and brief experience as an engineer, I decided I wanted to be a photographer full-time. It was a very brave and maybe unconscious decision, without thinking through it too much.

How do you build a relationship as a freelance photographer with brands and find new brands to work with?

It’s very difficult to find a channel or way to go in. In Italy with photography it’s not that simple, there are no open positions. I work mainly for people abroad looking for photographers in Rome. So when I look for work, I look at companies that are abroad. LinkedIn is a good way to find people and write an email to them directly. I do it all the time, every day. It’s like I’m looking for jobs every day.

Have you tried selling your picture artistically?

Not yet because it’s a very complicated and different market, but  I would like to do it with Polaroid because they’re a unique picture.

And then we always have our Rapid Fire Questions!

A word that defines photography?


Favorite city in the world?

New York.

Your favorite lens?


What advice would you give a young Giuliano about becoming a photographer?

Not to be afraid to show yourself and to get involved. 

Finally, how do you see photography evolving during this difficult time?

I think we will always need photography because we live in a world of images. Evolving in the sense that we will find new ways of showing and documenting and digging traces of our humanity. 

Thank you, Guiliano for joining us on IG Live!


Tune in to the rest of the interview to find out why Giuliano loves New York, see the first Polaroid he ever took and find out where he thinks the future of photography is headed and where he’s headed for vacation this summer! 

Be sure to follow @shootmytravel on Instagram and check out our Instagram Stories where we’ll always announce upcoming interviews. Come hang out, meet our photographers (who may end up being your photographer someday in the future!), ask questions and learn about the photography world that captures our world!