Did you know May is #photomonth?


Did you know May is #photomonth?

It’s crazy to think that in 1839 the first ever self human portrait was made by trailblazer photographer, Robert Cornelius (yep we’ve been working toward a strong selfie game for over 200 years)! However, self portraits (aka selfies) are only a fairly modern way of capturing moments. The true essence of photography has always been present, and specially needed for capturing our surrounding reality—think enigmatic cave paintings!

You can say that at Shoot My Travel, we’re kind of fond of photographs, and the intrinsic human expression they represent. We believe photography captures our personal history. It excites us to know that we are able to not only capture beautiful photos, but also share them with the whole world (or at least share them to mom back home) more easily than ever before.

Though most of us are not cutting edge creative photographers, this shouldn’t take away from participating and celebrating photo month this May. I mean we all have a little aspiring photographer in us after all—blame Instagram!

So, looking on how you can get into the #photomonth spirit? Here are three cool ways that anyone can celebrate Photo Month:

Create a "finstagram" 

A fun Instagram account and capture candid life moments! Don’t wait for your next outing or vacation, make this account and fill it with any random moment worth capturing and posting

Create a digital album 

There are certain pictures we’re all guilty of excessively taking—like maybe of our pets, when they’re sleeping, eating, or simply existing! So why not create a picture album for all their cuteness? (This applies for babies and kids, too).

Book a shoot my travel photo tour!

Ever thought about taking pictures in a childhood neighborhood park? Or maybe during a beach day with your family? We have local photographers in over 250 destinations, so remember you don’t need to wait on a special occasion to book a photo tour.

P.S in honor of Photo Month, we’re looking back at some of our favorite photos taken by our photographers all over the world.